You don't need to be the legal owner of the property to earn £42,000 a year, and ethically keep 100% of the profits. Which means, you don't need to pay a mortgage deposit, or have any credit to do this.
I've also figured out, the £42,000 a year profit, from the one property deal that I showed you guys, excuse me ... Replaces a nurse's salary by 1.9 times. This replaces a nurse's salary by 1.9 times. Pretty exciting, wouldn't you agree? Now I've also figured out, that this is the simplest, the easiest and fastest way to replace your current salary right now in the current climate. Okay?
I've also figured out, that you can find a rental property, in your area online, you can view the property and enter into the rental agreement with the landlord and list the property on, all on the same day. Pretty awesome, right? Are you getting this guys?
Now I've also figured out, the average landlord earns about £2,000 to £3,000 a year, above the rent. After they've paid their expenses. In one month, the exact same property, you can earn more money, then the landlord earns in a whole year. So, in one year, you'll earn more then the landlord earns in twelve years. And it's the landlord that's taking all the risk. Now just imagine, in one month from now, what would your life look like, if you had one of these deals? Just one of these deals? Let me know in a chat window. What would your life look like? Imagine, one month from now, you had one of these perfect property deals. Let me know in a chat window.
Okay, I can see all of you guys ... Brilliant. Brilliant. Okay. Oh, fantastic feedback! That's great. Okay. Just imagine you had five of these deals in one month. Just imagine you had ten of these deals, or more. Imagine what your life would look like, okay?
Now, I also figured out that, we're charging customers like a hotel. You're not letting to tenants. So, this means, there's no legal rights. So, there's no evictions, there's no hassles. Because the people, the customers, don't get protection from having an AST, right? So, just imagine never having to deal with a problem tenant again. Imagine never being faced with an eviction, which can take on average five months, okay? With no rent coming in. Just imagine avoiding all of the hassles associated with being a conventional landlord?
Whilst at the same time, you're earning more money in one month, then the landlord earns in the last 12 months and they own the property. They put the mortgage deposit in, they're taking all the risk. Are you guys getting this? Okay. The chat window ... Is distracted, sorry. Sorry.
Okay. So, if my son was kidnapped, okay? And I had 30 days to show one of you guys, any of you guys on here, how to replace your salary using Without owning a single property, I would take that deal, knowing, okay? That my son would be returned safely. That's how much faith I have in you guys succeeding at this, when you learn this. Right? If I'd 30 days to show one of you in here, how to replace your salary using, to get my son back, okay? That's how much faith I have in you guys succeeding at this, when you learn this okay? Now this ... I've also figured out is this really is, the number one cash flow strategy for beginners or experts or even investors, wanting to replace their salary, or increase their income, without any previous experience. Okay? Without buying a single property.
Does this ... Is this making sense to you guys? Yeah? Just imagine, right after this webinar, you take action. Then imagine one month from today, what would your life look like with another £2,000 coming in a month? Let me know in a chat window. What about £5.000 coming in a month? Let me know in the chat window. What about £10,000 coming in a month? Let me know in the chat window. Imagine what your life would look like.
Are you guys getting this? Is this making sense to you guys? Okay. Brilliant. Now I discovered this the hard way. But you guys will get to cheat, and you'll get to discover this the easy way. But the hard way was, I had to find the property, which took about six weeks. Then do some viewings, then do some research and due diligence, then ... You know, that was hard, and that was time consuming work, right? Then I'd have to buy the property, then apply for a mortgage, then wait until completion, which is probably around ten weeks later. And you had to have perfect credit, to buy a property to do this, okay? Then you had to pay a 20% mortgage deposit, which is about £40,000 based on the average property price today. Then you need obviously the 40k, you know, when you need 40k per deal, how fast can you really scour this up, into a real business? When you need £40,000 every deal. It takes a long time, okay? This is how hard it used to be.
Then you found the property and you have to renovate the property, to an acceptable standard. This can takes weeks again, and can take even more money, okay? Then back then, you know, it used to run around 175 to about 450 - 465 a month in profit. I'm talking back in 2007, when that was good money and good returns. You know, that's what I used to earn short letting. It took a lot of money, and a lot of effort, just to earn £175 to around £465 a month, okay?
Now I had to employ a team of around eight staff, and manage them, and it took a whole team of employees, to provide this service, without the time saving technology and without the systems and websites and booking agents that available today. It used to be hard back then. Also there was no short let demand for properties. Nowhere near enough, like there is today. So, the market was harder. The sharing economy was not established back then, when I first got started, okay?
The old archaic way to earn money from a property, is buy to let. Okay? So, by using that method, you have to visit estate agents, view dozens of properties, put offers in, negotiate, apply for a mortgage, put your 40k mortgage deposit down, pay lawyers. What else do you pay? Surveyors. Wait eight to twelve weeks to become the legal owner. Pay stamp duty. You know, after around about 12 weeks of waiting, you're probably about £50,000 lighter. But you're now the owner guys! Congratulations, right? You're now the owner.
Now you need to instruct the owners to deal with repairs, decorate, new carpets, kitchen, bathroom, to get it ready to short let like this, to put on Right? Then you got to pay letting agents, to find a tenant, you know, break even or earn £100, to £200 a month, the conventional way. After your mortgage deposit your expenses, your maintenance, empty periods of voids between tenants. Whew! And then to get your money out, or to realize your profit, you sell the property at the end of the mortgage term, you know 20 - 25 years. Pay the mortgage off, and you keep the difference between the value of the property, when it was sold after 25 years to the ... What you paid for the property, less all of your expenses.
Now, don't get me wrong guys. It's definitely worth going long, right? It's definitely worth playing the long game and going long. Right? But, if you don't change your mindset. If you don't change your strategies right now, and if you don't adjust to suit the new reality of what's really happening in the market right now today, you'll most definitely 100% be left behind. There's too many people struggling to get started in property right now. Hoping to get into buy to let, and failing. Because they are being taught the outdated, old, conventional methods, that worked in the world we used to live in, okay? But if you need more income now? 25 years, I think is a very, very long time to wait. Right?
Now today's society of instant everything, 25 years, 25 months is a long time. 25 weeks is a long time. 25 days is a long time. 25 hours is even a long time. Even 25 minutes, is a long time! Right? Even 25 seconds is a long time. Would you wait 25 seconds for a website to load? That's an eternity. People like you and I, right now, are less ... They are now less patient. They want products delivered the same day. They want instant gratification, instant success too. Which is possible, with the right information that you're learning today.
Let me ask you one question. What is the average attention span right now? Does anybody know? Let me know in the chat window. The average attention span right now. Let me know in the chat window. Okay, lots of you guys are very ... You've hit the nail on the head. Yeah, yeah. It's about seven ... Around seven seconds, yeah, you're right. Okay. So you guys know. So, 25 years, is a very long time to wait. Going long is good, but you can also go long with other things, but get the money out now, while you can guys. By following these methods, okay?
Now the experiment, what I'm about to share with you, wasn't possible 20 years ago. It wasn't even possible ten years ago. But it's possible right now in 2019. Okay? Now an early mentor of mine, Robert Kiyosaki, from back in 2000 - 2001, he's a business man if you guys don't know. He's the author, he's the founder of the Rich Dad companies. Have any of you guys on here read Rich Dad, Poor Dad? Well, let me know in the chat window. Okay, his methods have helped me, to understand how to earn money from other peoples properties that I don't own. Okay? From other peoples properties that I don't own.
You can find and close multiple of these, perfect property deals, all on the same day, right? You now get to avoid paying £40,000 mortgage deposit, and you saved at least 16 weeks of hard work guys. Now within a few days, you can have customers making reservations for up to 12 months ahead on your particular property, that you rent. Right? You can get instant profit, up to 201% above the rent that you pay, which from the example I shared with you earlier, is three and half thousand pounds a month, on top of what you pay the landlord every single month. Does that sound exciting to you guys? Let me know in the chat window.
Okay, you don't have to own the property, to ethically collect the rent, and all of the profits from it. You don't have to own it. Now I showed you earlier our top performing four properties, just four, recently earned us £2761.94 in a single day guys. Now if we can replicate that success every day, which was our record day, across the course of the next 12 months, that's one million pounds, eight thousand, one hundred and eight pounds, and 10 pence. If we can replicate that over the next 12 months. Just imagine one month from now, after this webinar, you're making up to an additional three and half thousand pounds a month, the 42 grand a year, pretty awesome, right? How would that change your life guys? How would your new life look now that you're a cash flow boss? Huh? How would your wife, your ... I don't know ... Spouse, your family. How would they feel, with those life changing amounts of money coming in? Enough to replace your job, replace your salary. Is this making sense to you guys? Are you getting this?
My friend if you're not already using arbitrage, what I mean by that, is taking a rental property, you don't have to be the owner of. Out of the AST rental market, and putting it on You stand to lose out on the largest transfer of wealth, that's happening right now in 2019. Because every £1,000 of AST rent, is now worth up to £3,000 of rent on If you're not focusing all of your attention on right now, you stand to lose. Now you have a massive advantage over the other two and half million landlords, that are also looking for these secrets. Don't waste that advantage by doing nothing after listening to this talk today.
You can join our communities on social media called Ask Ryan Otto, to discuss these episodes, and have your questions answered on the next show. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. I would love to hear from you, and know what you liked about this talk.
Ryan Otto
Remember - You are only one perfect property deal away from EVERYTHING you want!